Dr. AKANI Bangaman Christian
Dr. AKANI Bangaman Christian is a medical doctor with a public health background working as a medical officer at the national public health institute in Cote d’Ivoire. He holds various masters, including in health policy and management, health economics, and public health, focusing on evaluating medical interventions. He also serves as an assistant lecturer at the department of public health. He teaches management and health economics to graduate and post-graduate students at the faculty of medicine at the Felix Houphouet Boigny University in Cote d’Ivoire. He has published more than 15 articles on maternal-child health and immunization, focusing on evaluation, modeling, and financing.
Prior to joining ATA HEALTH STRATEGIES, Bangaman carries a mix of field experience and technical expertise that allowed him to work as a public health specialist for numerous organizations—Abt associate Int., CDC/Afenet, CREDES, PASS, EPI program in Cote d’Ivoire—in the past seven years. Areas of expertise cover health system strengthening, health financing, monitoring and evaluation, maternal and child and immunization.
Bangaman speaks French and English.