National Public Health Institutes and Agencies (NPHI/As)
Ata Health conducts research and analysis to help NPHI/As to improve their public health impact. We focus on their unique value proposition, to improve coordination and collaboration between public health functions and between public health and non-health organizations. We conduct literature reviews, interviews, and focus group discussions, we produce case studies of best practice, and we develop diagnostic, planning, and evaluation tools. We also provide technical support to NPHI/As through virtual communities of practice, workshops, and in-country assistance.
Public Health Workforce
At the center of the public health system is the public health and behavioral health workforce. Ata Health partners with governments, implementing partners, World Bank, and other clients to improve the quality and impact of health workforce development programs. We conduct health workforce program reviews, where we analyze program performance and help formulate new strategies and roadmaps to improve impact, scale, and sustainability. We support design and execution of peer-led models of learning and collaboration, including communities of practice. We help clients articulate their program’s theory of change, and design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems for quality improvement and measuring program impact. We conduct labor market analysis of countries’ public and private sector health workforce. Our team is also invited routinely by WHO, Gates Foundation and other key organizations to provide technical input and analysis to important global health workforce initiatives.
NGO Sustainability
Ata Health works with non-profit organizations globally to improve their business viability and sustainability. We have designed easy-to-use, compelling tools to help organizations to better understand their unique value proposition and to make improvements to their organizational structure and programs to improve their impact. We help organizations identify opportunities for external funding as well as earned income, and develop strategies for resource mobilization that help them to diversify their funding mix and enhance the flexibility of their revenue. We support communities of practice of organizations to help them achieve their resource mobilization goals. And we help organizations to understand and achieve the requirements to become direct recipients of USAID and other donor funding.
Public Health Networks
Ata Health supports networks of people and networks of organizations to improve their models of collective impact on public health. We work with network hubs to improve their business viability and sustainability, and to mobilize resources needed to expand their footprint. We help networks understand their members needs and develop improved membership services and expanded membership models. We conduct research and provide analysis on knowledge management, network evaluation, and network best practices. And we help networks to design communities of practice, accelerators and other models of peer exchange and learning among their members.